Understanding the brain to treat chronic pain
Comprendre le cerveau pour traiter la douleur
Chronic pain is a major health problem all over the world and one of the reasons is because its properÂ
management is complex and largely inefficient with the current approaches. The overall goal of the researchÂ
program of this lab is to understand and elucidate the mechanisms of treatment response
propensity to promote tailored care for chronic pain. To this aim, we combine non-
invasive brain MRI, psychometric and genetic data, to improve our understanding of chronic pain and it’s treatment.

Pascal Tétreault’s laboratory opened in April 1st 2020, in the department of anesthesiology at Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS). It is lead by a young and dynamic investigator, who has a solid transdisciplinary experience.
All the different projects are based on using multimodal data to understand chronic pain predisposition and response to treatment. At the lab, we use brain imaging (resting state fMRI, structural MRI and diffusion MRI), genetic analysis and behavioral measurements
The wide range of information collected is made possible by a dynamic environnement with many collaborations and accesses to unique technical plateforms.
We are currently looking for motivated and interested candidate to join the team!