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Image de Roman Kraft


January 2024 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Marc-Antoine, Monica and Paul for their poster presentation at the Quebec Pain Research Network

January 2024 - Welcome!

Welcome to Chan Nam for a Master's program

November 2023- Congrats!

Congratulations to Alexis for his poster presentation at the 15th edition of the Journée Phare! 

Congratulations to Alexis who won the prix de la relève! 

November 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Inès and Marc-Antoine for their presentation at the Journée scientifique de l’axe inflammation-douleur! 

Congratulations to Marc-Antoine who won the best presentation of his block! 

October 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Inès and Paul for their presentation at the 64e annual reunion of the Quebec Clinical Research Club (QCRC)! 

September 2023 - Congrats

Congratulations to Marc-Antoine for his presentation at the 17e Journée scientifique du 1er cycle de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke! 

Congratulations to Marc-Antoine who won the first place (experimental medicine category) for their presentation! 

September 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her poster presentation at the 13th Congress of the European Pain Federation 

September 2023 - Welcome!

Welcome to Alexis for a fall internship! 

July 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Paul and Mahsa for their poster presentation at OHBM 2023! 

June 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her poster presentation at the 50e édition de la journée scientifique de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé!

June 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a meeting travel award from the Quebec BioImaging Network (QBIN)!

May 2023 - Congrats

Congratulations to Mahsa, Monica and Paul for their poster presentation at the Canadian Pain Society’s (CPS) 43rd annual scientific meeting (ASM)!

May 2023 - Welcome!

Welcome to Marc-Antoine and Ludovic for a summer internship!

May 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her honor mention from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences for the year 2022-2023! 

March 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her presentation at the Association Québécoise de la Douleur Chronique (AQDC)! 

February 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a meeting travel award from the QPRN (Programme de bourses de congrès: Je M’affiche!)! 

February 2023 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a meeting travel award from Neurosciences Sherbrooke! 

January 2023 - Welcome!

Welcome to Omar for a Master's program

November 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Graham, Mahsa and Marc-Antoine for their poster presentations at the Society for Neuroscience 2022! 

November 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her presidency of the Quebec Network of Junior Pain Investigators (QNJPI) 

June 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Mahsa and Marc-Antoine for their presentations at the scientific day of the Quebec BioImaging Network (QBIN)!

June 2022 - Welcome!

Welcome to Inès and Paul for a summer internship!

May 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Pr Tétreault recipient of a grant program from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (Junior 1)!

May 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a scholarship from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS)!

May 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica for her poster presentation at the Canadian Pain Society's (CPS) 42nd annual scientific meeting (ASM)!

April 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a three-years scholarship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)!

April 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Mahsa recipient of a scholarship from the Axe d’Imagerie Médicale/CIMS!

March 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a meeting travel award from the QPRN (Programme de bourses de congrès: Je M’affiche!).

January 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Pr Tétreault recipient of a three-year Stars Career Development subvention from The Arthritis Society!

January 2022 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Sabrina and Marc-Antoine for their individual award of a Research Internship Grant awarded by the Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke!

September 2021 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Anne-Catherine, Natalia and Sabrina for their poster presentation at the 17e Journée scientifique du 1er cycle de la Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke!


Congratulations to Anne-Catherine who win the 1st place (Neuroscience category) for their presentation!

September 2021 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica recipient of a scholarship from the Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN)!

April 2021 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Pr Tétreault recipient of a five-year Discovery Grants program from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)!

April 2021 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Monica who has been awarded a Graduate Scholarship (Fonds Global BÉS) from the Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke!

April 2021 - Congrats!

Congratulations to Anne-Catherine and Sabrina for their individual award of a Research Internship Grant awarded by the Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé de l’Université de Sherbrooke! 


Congratulations to Natalia who has been granted a funding from the Soutien aux Québécois d’expression anglaise en Estrie (Volet 2) - Développer le potentiel d’emploi des étudiants québécois d’expression anglaise) provided by the  Quebec government! 

April 2021 - Welcome!

Welcome to Anne-Catherine, Natalia and Sabrina for a summer internship!

April 2021 - Welcome!

Welcome to Marylie and Daphnée, first research staff of Tétreault Lab!

February 2021 - Research!

Together with Maxime Descoteaux from Université de Sherbrooke and Massieh Moayedi from University of Toronto, Pascal has launched a research topic on brain diffusion MRI and pain in the journal Frontiers in Pain Research

February 2021 - Congrats!

Monica is the winner of the contest organized by the Quebec Pain Research Network  "Spotlight on the New Generation science popularization competition 2021" 

January 2021 - Welcome!

Welcome to Monica, first PhD student of Tétreault lab!

May 2020 - Welcome!

Welcome to Justine, first student of Tétreault lab, for a summer internship!

April 1st 2020 - Day 1

In confinement, from a small office at the back of our appartement, with echos of a 3 years old and a 3 months old in the background, the Tétreault lab was born!

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